Went down and caught most of this show before heading on. Search Parties were as good as when I'd last seen them. Epic with a dash of punk. Kids dig it, and I do mean kids. Standing above the show a girl asked me what school I went to and I told her I was graduated, but reflexively asked what school she went to expecting her to say UBC, Cap College, Emily Carr, etc. Only to get Such-in-such Secondary, Grade 10 as an answer. I felt old.
Search Parties are young, so it should not be surprising that they attract a young crowd. Lead singer Harlan Shore said he might be taking off for the summer and possibly next year so catch this band while you still can they're worth the effort.
The room they were playing in was narrow and it was a little hard to see the band though they sounded fine even if the acoustics of the event were an amp bouncing off cement. Openers were in short supply, B-Lines cancelled after the threat of rain almost stopped the night from happening, which is unfortunate I still haven't seen that band. Didn't see Dead Ghosts around though they may have played after Search Parties. Openers ended up being the surprise act Marcus Naslund (the band not the hockey player) and a band that was Marcus Naslund with a different drummer. I'm pretty sure this was Golden Touch, but don't quote me. These two bands sounded pretty similar, unsurprising given the similarities in their lineup. Both very fun in a pop-punky way, they could play their instruments well and everyone was into it, which was more than enough.
Photo of Search Parties courtesy of Gerald Deo.
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