Oh what a good show. Calgary's Women came back through town to play out in Strathcona, and they were rad. Bridging the gap between sunny psychedelia and fuzzy noise sounds the band played a rushed set only to be called back on stage for an encore after they tried to end on time so the venue could close. (awful nice of the organizers to let them play an extra song though it would have been better if they'd just had more time to play ie. less openers). Women put out a great album last year and their live performance does not disappoint. They balance their performance well with pleasant sounding guitar riffs and little hooks that throw you off balance but still manage to rattle around in your skull. If you missed them, you missed out.
Nü Sensae was a good opener. This duo smacks people in the face with their sound, but they do it so well it's a positive experience. Andrea Lukic's voice is well suited for the ominous screaming and barking she uses to punctuate their songs. Andrea's vocals blast out overtop of her fuzzy bass playing and Daniel Pitout's heavy frenetic drumming. They were wearing that stuff football players wear under their eyes to prevent glare, with the lights that always shine directly onto a stage I'm more surprised that more musicians haven't thought of doing this than that Nü Sensae decided to. (I'm going to insert a shameless plug now. Nü Sensae are playing May 6 for Discorder at the Astoria)
Kidnapping was... ok. The lead singer's voice ruined it for me. Why is it so often the vocals that makes or breaks something? [/rhetoricals] I'm told it was Sean Orr singing, which if that is the case I like it when he sings in front of Taxes, but not this. If they had a different singer or no singer I think I would have enjoyed this. If you click their myspace link above you can hear what they sound like sans vocals.
Some other bands played before this, but I did not see them.
Photo of Women courtesy of Steve Louie.
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